It was in 1957 when Dad moved his family to the Las Vegas home on Nellis Blvd. In 1957 Nellis was just a graveled road, a short cut we took to by pass Las Vegas to get the the Salt Lake Highway when Jimmy would take me to visit my parents in St. George.
Las Vegas is where the second half of the family were raised to adulthood. The children taken to be reared in these new surroundings where Dad would be able to spend more time with his family than we older ones had been given. were Kathryn, Jeff, Emma Lea, Kenny, Rose Marie, and Tammy. that is a sizable family of children itself!
When we have family reunions, we older children get our feelings hut because the children who grew up in Las Vegas seem to shut us out. there seems to be a dividing line. I guess they don't remember any of our good times with them. But WE remember. how we loved them and hated to leave them behind when we went out into the world to start families of our own!
Kenny is the exception. He is still that happy smiling little brother who has so much love to share with everyone that he over looks us older folds strange ways. He has, however, recently mentioned since we older ones are developing aches and pains as we pass over the 60 year old line that he would like a new younger family.
When the family suddenly packed up and moved to Las Vegas Erik was off on his own and Deanna was a Senior in Dixie High School. She was working as a waitress after school and on weekends. She was not home much and wanted to finish the yer and graduate with her friends. She was left behind.
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